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The Denver Dare 2 Share Conference

Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Home sweet home.

This weekend is the Denver D2S “Invincible” Conference in my own hometown Denver, Colorado. I love doing the conference here in my own backyard. Friends, family, prayer warriors, donors, the church communities of Grace Church (the church I used to pastor and still love) and Northern Hills Christian Church (the church I never pastored but still love) and the good ole’ Rocky Mountains all combine into a mile high feeling of spiritual euphoria that’s hard to beat.

Somewhere around 8,000 teenagers from 400 some odd churches will gather to be mobilized to evangelize in a big, big way. They will be trained to “shred the gnar” and unleashed to do it.

Pray for us this weekend that God does something big in the lives of the teenagers. Pray that God uses them to ignite the revival that this country so desperately needs.

I can’t help but think of the words of Paul Borthwick in a Group Magazine article, “I’ve noticed something about unchurched teens in our culture, many pursue a risk-taking lifestyle with religious fervor. Meanwhile, our youth group kids stay locked in the safety zone. Today’s young people need to be called to a life of danger for the sake of following Christ. Many of them are waiting for the church to give them something big, something significant, something risky to do.” That’s exactly what we are going to give them this weekend.

Pray and, if you live in or around Colorado, go.

Shreddin’ the gnar for Jesus,

Unlikely Fighter

#1 new release in Evangelism on Amazon

The story of how a fatherless street kid overcame violence, chaos, and confusion to become a radical Christ follower.

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